Beejay Silcox is a book critic. Her work appears in high-profile publications across three continents, and is renowned for its resolute (some might say, foolhardy) honesty. She has been described as “the most significant new Australian critic in decades”.
In addition to her literary and cultural commentary, Beejay works as a professional reader: she’s an interviewer, prize judge, editor, award-winning creative writing educator and the former Artistic Director of Canberra Writers Festival.
She also has stories to tell. Beejay eloped to Las Vegas, escaped from quicksand, and drove to Timbuktu in a car held together with a bra-strap. She once had to be rescued – unironically – from a picnic at Hanging Rock.
Beejay’s prize-winning short fiction has been published at home and abroad (including in Meanjin, Westerly and ABR), and included in a number of Ozlit anthologies.
Beejay came to writing circuitously. She has worked as a seafood waitress, an internet forum moderator, an agony-aunt, a criminologist, a strategic policy boffin, a think tank thinker, and an accidental economist. It is better for everyone that she now reads for a living.
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Photo Credit: Elizabeth Bowling
Literary Representation:
Jane Novak Literary Agency